Mohit Dubey's Sophomore Recital

Mohit Dubey gave a tremendously successful full-length solo recital last year, his freshman year at Oberlin, and he was dubious about being able to do it again the very next year. But he came through, in spades, with another highly impressive, varied and again, incredibly successful full-length solo recital.

Leonard Ranallo's Senior Recital

Lenny gave a tremendous performance for his final Oberlin recital. He played in the gorgeous Stull Recital Hall to a capacity crowd. His program was a challenging combination of major solo works (Bach, Martin and Takemitsu) and a concerto, the Villa Lobos, accompanied by one of Oberlin's expert staff accompanists, Yu Sakamoto.

Punch Brothers' Chris Eldridge Guitar Workshop

The renowned bluegrass+ band, The Punch Brothers, has had a performers-in-residence affiliation with Oberlin for several years. They come each year for a concert and stay for several days of residency, giving master classes, workshops, participating in open jam sessions and so on. It is a highly popular annual event which draws equally from the Conservatory/College and the community. My schedule permitted my attending the guitar workshop this year.