Stephen Aron

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Fall 2018 Guitar Ensemble I

The first of our two Fall Guitar Ensemble concerts took place recently. Four performances, representing the efforts of five of the studio members plus guests, captivated the ample audience in Kulas Hall. As usual, much of the music was mixed chamber music. (See my post on having students play mixed chamber music instead of music for multiple guitars).

Here is a recap of the evening.

Aidan Wiley Lippke and Craig Slagh played music of Castelnuovo-Tedesco:

Caeli Massey and soprano, Abigail Hakel-Garcia presented songs from Brazil:

Aidan Wiley Lippke and alto flutist, Noah Hoffer, played music of Takemitsu:

Finally, Julia Bodian and Mohit Dubey closed the show with music of Sergio Assad.

Fantastic playing, everyone!!