Stephen Aron

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Brian King's Junior Recital

Brian King gave a brilliant junior recital this semester. He played a wide range of pieces, both on the classical guitar and on the Renaissance lute. His work on the lute began only a matter of weeks before, inspired by a visit from Paul O'Dette and yielded a colorful and historically informed performance of a short set of works by Dowland. The remaining pieces ranged from the iconic Bach Lute Suite BWV 1006a to the virtuosic Sonatina Op. 52, No. 1 of Lennox Berkeley. He ended splendidly with an original arrangement of "You Are My Sunshine," to the delight of the crowd. The hall was near capacity and his performance was rewarded with a loud and  enthusiastic response. 

This was Brian's third full recital at Oberlin. He gave a solo recital at the end of his freshman year and a full flute/guitar recital last spring, at the end of his sophomore year. Following are a few photos and the full program.